
Online personal trainer

Gymwolf has certified personal trainers that provide you with customized workout plans depending on your goal. Our trainer tracks Your progress, coach motivate you daily through our web and smartphone app.

Our trainers


Siim Savisaar

Siim is a university-trained practising physiotherapist, personal trainer and a world-class bodybuilder. He’s a strong believer in what doesn’t challenge you, won’t change you. Thus, you should expect to be challenged if you work with him. Siim has extensive experience, from working with people with special needs to training elite athletes from freestyle skiing to bodybuilding and bikini fitness. His speciality is physical conditioning along with strength and hypertrophy programs.


Taavi Merisalu

Taavi on lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli sporditeaduste ja füsioteraapia instituudi. Tema spetsialiteet on raskejõustik, rahvasport ja personaaltreeningud. Enesetäiendamist ei ole ta lõpetanud - täiendab ennast pidevalt tänapäevaste uuringutega, et hoida oma meetodid võimalikult teaduspõhised. Lisaks teiste treenimisele treenib ta ka iseennast ja on väga edukas kulturist Eestis. Mitmeid kordi on saavutanud medalikohti Eesti sisevõistlustel ja ka välisvõistlustel. Taavi treenitavate käes on üle 20 Eesti rekordi jõutõstmises. Lisaks rekorditele on tema õpilased toonud Eestile 5 medalit Euroopa Meistrivõistlustelt.

How does it work?


Choose the personal trainer that fits you the best and make the purchase.


After the purchase your personal trainer will contact you through Gymwolf. Describe your goals and your trainer will then make you customized workout plan.


Achieve your goals by following the workout plan and tracking workouts in Gymwolf. Personal trainer will keep an eye on your workout ,also giving feedback and motivation.



USD 45 / 1 month

✓ Peroanal workout plan

✓ Weekly progress reviews

✓ Chat with your trainer

✓ Gymwolf pro features


USD 115 /3 month

✓ Personal workout plan

✓ Monthly workout plan updates

✓ Weekly progress reviews

✓ Chat with your trainer

✓ Gymwolf Pro features


USD 216month / 6 month

✓ Personal workout plan

✓ Monthly workout plan updates

✓ Weekly progress reviews

✓ Chat with your trainer

✓ Gymwolf Pro features


Become a personal trainer

If you are qualified bodybuilding and fitness trainer, and want to join the Gymwolf, let us know!
